Lessons from the DFWP II

He also said another thing that tickled me, he said that he has made it a habit to buy his wife of 20 years (What a blessing first of all!) an excellent gift(s), flowers etc every time he is not HAPPY with her. Whattttt????!!!!!😮 I can tell you this much, for most of us when we are angry, buying our significant other a gift is the furthest thing from our minds. But that is what conforming looks like! Jesus exchanged our lives for His on the cross even when we did not deserve it. The Bible says Husbands love your...

Lynn Amanyire
 Mar. 9, 2023

Lessons from The Dear Future Wifey Podcast

I have procrastinated a lot with this post but better late than never, right? This is one of the things that I made a habit of in 2022 and I am still grateful for; The Dear Future Wifey Podcast. So just a small back story. Towards the end of 2021, I discovered one of the most amazing podcasts which has become a staple in my life. The Dear Future Wifey Podcast is hosted by Laterras R. Whitfield who gets to interview so many individuals who are in line with the purpose of this particular podcast. What is the purpose of...

Lynn Amanyire
 Mar. 9, 2023

Discovering Your Personal Style II

Picking up right where we stopped... The Little Black/White Dress. This is the dress that you wear and you know necks are going to be breaking! L.O.L. When I say little, it does not mean that this dress should be indecent in any way. This dress white or black though I personally prefer black (because duh! Black is magic) will fit your body in all the right places. It does not have to be tight or loose. It just depends on the person wearing it and how they feel. The feeling that you get is supposed to be, “I look...

Lynn Amanyire
 Jul. 7, 2022

Discovering Your Personal Style

Hey lovely people….Happy New Month! I hope the first half of the year has been good to you and is starting to yield some fruit. However if this is not your tale, God keeps giving us grace and chances to do better. He always causes us to triumph so hang in there and keep doing your best, consistently. I have been wanting to write an article about personal style for such a long time now. My personal style journey has come a really long way. I remember being a little girl and loving certain pieces of my clothing more than...

Lynn Amanyire
 Jul. 1, 2022

Adulting & Friendships II

Continuation.... Admiration. The Bible says Jonathan hearing about David’s Victory over Goliath was impressed and developed an admiration for him. Yeah there is no way to sugar coat this, you either admire something about your friend(s) or not. Human beings are drawn to greatness. This is why if you search for athletes on Instagram or other platforms, you’ll see that they have millions of followers. I’m not saying your friend has to be an athlete but there has to be a pull effect you have towards them. Something that gives you the desire to be their friend. It could be...

Lynn Amanyire
 May. 27, 2022

Adulting & Friendships I

Firstly, apologies! I have been MIA. Been adapting to the different changes in my life but I am back and ready to roll and eager to share some of the things I have been pondering on during my time away. One of them is friendships! I love friendships, I mean who doesn’t?! Everyone needs relationship or friendships in life. But I think with all the different changes that happen at the various stages or seasons in our lives, it becomes very obvious that not all our friends can transcend through it all with us. The one thing that makes me...

Lynn Amanyire
 May. 23, 2022

Girl, Enjoy your singleness II!

Picking up right where we left off with some tips to enjoy your singleness... Choose a day weekly and take yourself out on a date. Yeah, you heard me right. Take your fine self out. Pick a great seat and have a meal by yourself with a book or a movie. Now, I would like to assume that like me you like quiet places (coffee shops or restaurants). Do your research and find places that are not so crowded and enjoy your own company. Some of you have never considered this probably because you don’t know if you like being...

Lynn Amanyire
 Aug. 29, 2021

Girl, Enjoy your singleness!

​Hey you, I know it's been a while. Sorry I have been M.I.A here but I am back! I got inspired. This past Saturday, a friend of mine asked me something really interesting and worth a discussion. “How do you do the single life? Teach me.” I was happy to share with her what has worked for me. Getting to the point where I truly enjoy singleness took a bit of time. But here we are and I think there are more ladies who might want to get some tips on this. It can be quite interesting to readjust to...

Lynn Amanyire
 Aug. 22, 2021

Let's Talk About Sex Part II

Moving forward from Part 1.... At the same time, me knowing what sexual immorality can do to you and keeping quiet about it is like this analogy perfectly explained by China Mcclain in one of her videos on Instagram. It was a different context but it suits this quite well too. Two best friends are painting in the house. One of them gets tired and wants some fresh air so she picks her dog and heads to the backyard to catch some fresh air. She opens the door and steps out only to spot a huge snake in the grass...

Lynn Amanyire
 Jun. 19, 2021

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby!

​​​​​Don’t we all love to talk about it? I know someone is going to say no, well, let me speak for myself. I do love to talk about it. I'm pretty sure you have had a conversation about sex too before. My perception of sex has not always been what it is now, which is the Biblical context. Sex within covenant. I am so grateful for this realization. Like I said my mindset was not always like this. Let’s reel it back a little bit. I didn't have so many comprehensive conversations about sex growing up. All I knew was...

Lynn Amanyire
 Jun. 16, 2021